What size Halcyan do I need for my property?

What size Halcyan do I need? This is a common question but an important one. The right size makes a big difference, with halcyan bigger isn’t always better.

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Limescale on your kettle? The Halcyan Water Conditioner can help!

Limescale on your kettle is a menace for tea drinkers across the UK. Can the Halcyan help with this problem? What can you expect from this solution?

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A Halcyan Water Conditioner Review – Why does treating hard water cost so much?

Why does the Halcyan cost so much? Especially when there are superficially similar products on the market which are far cheaper.

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Do Halcyan water conditioners work?

You’ve read the website, you’ve read the emails and you’ve read the reviews. But the question is still there. Do halcyan water conditioners actually work?

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How to Remove Limescale from your Appliances. Follow these easy steps.

Limescale on your shower head and other appliances? We take a look into how to deal with this problem aswell as how to prevent future limescale build up.

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Is Hard Water safe to drink?

We know about the problems caused by hard water in the bathroom and kitchen. But what are the problems or benefits if any to drinking hard water?

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Limescale and Bacteria: Why Limescale can be a health hazard

Limescale is a nuisance to clean and damages expensive heating elements. But did you know it is also a potential haven for bacteria?

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Water Softeners Banned? Where and why softeners are getting the axe.

Salt softeners have been banned in some parts of the world for environmental reasons. Let’s take a look at the issues and why the reasoning behind the bans.

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What is Hard Water?

Hard water is the root cause of limescale. But what is hard water and why do some areas have it in spades and other don’t?

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What is Limescale and why is it so damaging?

Limescale is a problem most of the UK is familiar with. It ruins surfaces, bricks kettles, and increases energy costs. But what is it and how is it formed?

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