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Your Title (Required)
Your First Name (Required)
Your Last Name (Required)
Your Email (Required)
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Your Company Name (Optional)
Installation Date (Required)
Location Of Installed Unit: House Number (Required)
Location Of Installed Unit: Street (Required)
Location Of Installed Unit: City (Required)
Location Of Installed Unit: Postcode (Required)
Order Number or Invoice Number (Required)
Customer Title (Required)
Customer First Name (Required)
Customer Last Name (Required)
Customer Email (Required)
Customer Phone Number (Required)
Anything Else You Want To Tell Us (Optional)
To activate your customers 30 year warranty, upload images of the installed unit showing the unit, stop tap and any other local fittings
To activate your customers 12 months performance guarantee, please upload images of the main outlets including kitchen taps, kettle, bathroom taps, shower heads and shower doors (as appropriate). Images should show any current accumulations of limescale if present