So you’ve read through the website, you’ve received the informational emails and you’ve gone through the customer testimonials? But still the question lingers, do Halcyan water conditioners actually work? The answer really depends on what you’re looking for. So in this article we’ll drill into exactly what the Halcyan can do for you but also what it can’t. You can then make up your mind as to whether it does or doesn’t work for you.

What the Halcyan won’t do
The Halcyan won’t remove 100% of your limescale. Our system is good but not that good. In fact we’d recommend you be cautious of any product which claims results of that kind. Our system won’t leave the inside of your kettle spotless, it also won’t mean you can forever scratch cleaning your kitchen and bathroom off your to-do list.
With the Halcyan you will still find a form of mineral residue on areas where water evaporates. This will be much, much easier to clean than the scale you will have had before but it will be there nonetheless. In your kettle you will see a very thin layer of hard scale on the heating element. This will not grow beyond a thin layer and also won’t reduce the efficiency of the heating element. You can read more detail about this in our FAQ section.
The Halcyan also won’t create soft water. Our system conditions the water, the hard water minerals are still in solution just behaving differently. Whilst you will see some of the benefits of soft water such as it feeling nicer on your skin and hair and lathering more easily, it won’t be to as great of an extent as traditional softened water. This also means that the water won’t feel ‘slimy’ as softened water can often feel.
The Halcyan won’t add or remove anything from your water. This includes things like chlorine and other additives. Our system maintains your water quality as it is, it simply changes the way the hard minerals behave.
What the Halcyan will do
It will keep your interior pipework and internal elements of your appliances clear of limescale and will also remove existing built up scale in these areas over time. The Halcyan will protect equipment such as your boiler and lengthen its lifespan. In doing so the Halcyan will save you energy by maintaining the efficiency of your boiler through its lifespan. Saving you money in energy costs and in part replacement.
It will also make your regular cleaning much easier. You will no longer need to reach for descaling chemicals when cleaning. The residue we mentioned previously doesn’t adhere strongly to surfaces, as such normal cleaning products and in most cases just a good wipe will remove it. For more information please head to our FAQ’s.
The Halcyan will work for 30 years minimum, maintenance free. There are no moving parts in the unit and it is made up of very robust materials.

So does it work?
So to answer the question do Halcyan water conditioners work? That depends. If the expectation is for our units to produce the same exact kind of results as a salt softener then I’m afraid you will be disappointed, if you want to soften your water by the definition of the term then currently a salt softener is your only option. If however you want to protect your equipment, make your cleaning significantly easier and less costly and you don’t want the hassle of maintaining and topping up a salt softener then our system won’t disappoint.
In conclusion Halcyan water conditioners work to their specified parameters and it is important to do your research and think about what your priority is when looking into a solution for your limescale problem. Depending on your answer we may not be the right product for you. Even so we hope we will be helpful to you in your research and choice making. If you’d like to compare Halcyan to other products we have a market comparison! Click below!