Sadly hard water isn’t the only issue homeowners face with their water supply. In many areas across the country various chemicals are added to the water system, whilst these are important in keeping the water safe to drink they can often affect the taste of the water negatively. A great example of this is chlorine. So if you’re dealing with limescale by purchasing a water conditioner you may be wondering, does a water conditioner remove chlorine as well? In short no, a water conditioner will not remove chlorine from your water, here’s why.
What is a water conditioner?
First off it’s worth briefly touching on what a water conditioner is and what it does. Water conditioners are systems designed to treat limescale, but without using salt like traditional water softeners do. These systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes and use different methods to deal with hard water. The basic goal of theses systems is the same, to treat limescale by altering the way hard water minerals behave rather than by removing them.

Why don’t Water Conditioners remove Chlorine?
Water conditioners don’t remove anything from the water so they don’t remove chlorine. But the systems do alter the way hard minerals behave, so does this affect the chlorine and other chemicals? Sadly not. These systems are specifically designed to target hard water minerals. As such they have absolutely no effect on other components in the water. Whilst some systems, such as Halcyan, may affect the electrical conductivity of the water, making it feel softer, this doesn’t impact the poor taste caused by chlorine.
How to remove chlorine from your water
So if a water conditioner doesn’t help with chlorine then what does? The systems you should be looking at if removing chlorine and other additives is on the agenda are filters. Water filters are specifically designed to remove things such as chlorine from the water so that it is more pleasant to drink. Filters can come in many forms, from jug based to inline systems. It is important to note that these filter systems (barring expensive reverse osmosis devices) don’t remove hardness from the water. So if you do also want to get rid of your limescale then you’ll need a conditioner alongside your filter. The advantage of this however, is that the working life of your filter will be increased by the conditioner keeping the hard water minerals in solution.
Final Thoughts:
If the taste of your water is affected by chlorine, you’ll need a water filter if you want your tea to taste just right! If you’d like to know more about how the Halcyan water conditioner can help prevent limescale and keep your filter working longer then please check out the rest of our site!
Why not take a look at our most popular water conditioner, the ‘Favourite’ Whole House Unit which can be installed by a plumber in under an hour and protect your home from limescale for 30 years.