If you’ve been looking for a solution to your limescale problems you have likely been tearing your hair out at the convoluted, confusing and in some cases frustrating way that this industry is set up. We think that transparency and helpfulness go a long way. That’s why we’ve made this review comparing water softener, water conditioner and water inhibitor brands on the key issues that customers care about. In this water softener and water conditioner comparison document we compare what are seen as the ‘standard’ products supplied by various brands. There are a few key things to bear in mind when looking through.
Work in Progress
This is very much a work in progress, not every make and model of product is on here, yet. We do intend to make this the most comprehensive comparison on the net, so that all the important information is in one place making your life much easier
Performance is hard to measure
In certain areas we can only inform so much. Performance is very difficult to quantify, especially when there isn’t an industry standard and regulator to follow. We have gone by what the brands report on their websites, but as always take this with a grain of salt. You can read about how products generally fit in the market here.
Prices are not always straightforward
Most companies in this industry hide their prices and force customers to speak to their sales team before they can get an estimate. In cases where the price of a system is not publicly available there will be an asterisk, this means that the price listed is from speaking to customers and fitters who have used the product, therefore the price should be viewed as a ballpark rather than a set price. Other areas marked with an asterisk are also anecdotal or approximate figures.
Now that’s out of the way please take a look and if there are any brands you feel should be added please let us know! Hopefully you find this review of water softener and water conditioner brands useful!