Which Halcyan is right for me?
Use our a tool to ensure you choose the best unit for your home
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How many people live at home most of the time?

One Person

Two People

Three People

Four People

Five + People
How many bathrooms do you have now, or plan to have in the future?

One Bathroom

Two Bathrooms

Three Bathrooms

Four + Bathrooms
How many showers do you have now, or plan to have in the future?

One Shower

Two Showers

Three Showers

Four + Showers
How many of your showerheads are or will be over 300mm in diameter?

No Shower Heads

One Showerhead

Two Showerheads

Three + Showerheads
What type of boiler do you have?
How fast does water flow from your kitchen cold tap?

Trickle - Takes More Than 10 Secs To Fill A Pint Glass

Flow - Fills A Pint Glass In Less Than 10 Secs

Torrent - Takes Less Than 5 Secs To Fill A Pint Glass
Do you have anything unusual in your plumbing system?
If yes, please tell us a little detail


Please enter your postcode
So we can calculate the hardness of water in your area
We Recommend
The 'Favourite' Whole House Unit - H2o9
We'd like to have a chat
Something in your details has raised a query which we would like to clarify before we can confirm the size of your unit. After completing the form, one of our team will be in touch very shortly to run through this with you