Protect the environment and save money on your bills

Save up to £30,000 over the next 30 years and reduce your impact on the environment

Hard water affects 17m UK households and could be adding £500 or more to their annual energy bills, with an additional £500 per year being spent on unnecessary detergents and cleaning products.

It also increases your home’s carbon emissions by up to 18 tonnes over the next 30 years. That’s the equivalent of driving half a million extra miles in your car.

The Halcyan Water Conditioner is a long-term solution for a costly problem.

How does hard water affect my energy bills?

The harder the water, the more limescale in your home and the higher your bills!


Households supplied with hard water suffer from limescale build-up on appliances, fixtures and fittings.

While those living in a hard water area are likely to notice limescale build-up in the kettle and on taps, it’s harder to detect harmful limescale deposits in expensive appliances such as the washing machine, dishwasher and boiler.

It’s the limescale in these appliances, especially the boiler, that has the biggest impact on energy bills, causing them to be at least 25% higher than necessary.

Limescale build-up reduces the efficiency of heating elements meaning they have to work harder and use more energy to be effective. This not only increases energy bills but damages appliances, leading them to break down more frequently. If you live in a hard water area you can expect to replace your boiler, dishwasher and washing machine up to twice as often as a result of limescale damage.

Halcyan Water Conditioners map indicating hard water areas
How do I treat hard water in my home?

While there are many limescale treatments available, they typically use harsh chemicals which are then washed down the drain and into the watercourse, and that’s bad news for the environment. However, by treating hard water as it enters the home with a sustainable water conditioner which does not use any salts or chemicals, research suggests that households can expect to see a significant reduction in their energy bills and their detergent usage, saving up to £1,000 a year.

Installing a Halcyan Water Conditioner will not only prevent new limescale from forming in your home but will also remove existing limescale in your system for 30 years!

*Based on current energy prices. Remember, prices are set to rise again in October.

Halcyan Removes Limescale

Over a few weeks and months, Halcyan will remove existing limescale in your system.

Halcyan Prevents Limescale

Keep limescale firmly at bay, protect your home and make cleaning so much easier.

Halcyan Softens Water

Healthy hard water that behaves like gentler, softer water
What our customers say…
Why install a Halcyan Water Conditioner?

Zero limescale

Removes and prevents limescale throughout your home.

Zero space

No cupboard space lost; no extra pipework needed.

Zero chemicals

No salts, resins, phosphates or zinc needed in the process.
Halcyan Water Conditioner The ‘Favourite’ Whole House Unit – H2o9 product shot

Zero maintenance

No servicing, nothing to break or go wrong.

Zero power

No electricity or earthing = no risk of unit power failure

Zero harm to the environment

No effluents into our rivers, no carbon consumption.
How does it work?

Simply put, our system is made from a special blend of 12 metals that create our unique alloy. This alloy is cast into a solid core of turbulence-producing fins and gateways. It’s this turbulence and repeated contact with the alloy that changes the molecular structure of the minerals in the water as it flows through. Crucially, this alters the state and structure of Calcium Carbonate so that it loses its ability to cling to surfaces such as your household’s boiler, showerheads, kettle and taps.

Of course, the water still retains all its mineral goodness – and the things that make water ‘water’ – but the limescale threat is neutralised so you benefit from reduced energy consumption and lower bills.

Want to know more?
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Solve your hard water limescale problem the easy, eco-friendly way with
Halcyan Water Conditioners.

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